Tag Archives: Karla Telega

BOX OF ROCKS Hits Readers

Thelisas enjoy frolicking about the internet reading other blogs. On our way to the kitchen, by way of the laundry room, sidetracked by “what did I come in here for?” we often wander over to  Telega Tales. Karla Telega’s humorous vignettes always elicit a laugh.

When we ambled over and saw that her book Box of Rocks was now available, we had to spread the word. Now, thelisas have enough trouble with phones and computers. We haven’t yet leapt into the brave new world of e-readers, so we are going to wait for the paperback edition–which we hear is coming soon. But, if you have one of those new-fangled fancy machines, check it out. Tell her we sent you. Then tell her to remind us why we we’re standing the garage. There must be a reason, right?