BOX OF ROCKS Hits Readers

Thelisas enjoy frolicking about the internet reading other blogs. On our way to the kitchen, by way of the laundry room, sidetracked by “what did I come in here for?” we often wander over to  Telega Tales. Karla Telega’s humorous vignettes always elicit a laugh.

When we ambled over and saw that her book Box of Rocks was now available, we had to spread the word. Now, thelisas have enough trouble with phones and computers. We haven’t yet leapt into the brave new world of e-readers, so we are going to wait for the paperback edition–which we hear is coming soon. But, if you have one of those new-fangled fancy machines, check it out. Tell her we sent you. Then tell her to remind us why we we’re standing the garage. There must be a reason, right?

8 responses to “BOX OF ROCKS Hits Readers

  1. Charcoal briquettes and a 7/8 inch socket wrench.

  2. Who are you calling a sock wench? Just for that we’re buying two copies of your book.

  3. You’ll love it! It’s a terrific book!

  4. Thank you for the suggestion. I’m always on the lookout for new books.

    I have entered the world of e-readers, but I have to tell you, I’m not sold. I love the instant availability of it. But you can’t take your e-reader in the bath and it’s hard to cuddle up with it at night. And when I have an actual book with pages in my lap, I’m not asked to put it away during takeoff and landing. And just the other day, I found another reason I’m not sold. I was at a hotel, poolside reading, when I decided to take a dip. I spent my whole time in the pool, eyeing my beach bag on my lounge chair, ensuring no one was stealing my iPad. With a book, I could just plop it on my chair and go.

    • You’re most welcome. And we know what you mean that you know what we mean. Thelisas are cursed when it comes to all things electronic. They seem to fail, self-destruct or attack at random and inopportune moments.

  5. As her editor, I can personally attest to just how funny the book was.

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